Our story

My Abuelita Anita was a great cook! She made the best meals using her creativity and more importantly- her love. Cooking was one of her favorite ways to show our family her care and devotion.

I was born in the Midwest and at an early age moved to Monterrey, N.L. Mexico where  I was raised by my Abuelita Anita. She taught me how to cook at a very young age. I was her sous-chef! I greatly enjoyed our special time together. Not only were we cooking, at the same time, she was  teaching me life lessons and  enriching me with family stories. Her  stories gave me  positive attitudes and empowering ideas.


Family values and our heritage, both American and Mexican,  are something in which our family takes pride.  A tradition we love to follow in our family is cooking a Mexican dish every week. Salsas are a staple in our home, we always add it to our dishes- both Mexican and American. Her recipes live on… 

During COVID our lives went from busy and chaotic schedule to a much slower pace. It gave me the opportunity to reflect, and share more family meals. I came to realize how important it is to be close and take good care of our health.

In 2017, after having open-heart surgery, I became even more aware of how valuable and fragile life is and how we should make the best of our life by enjoying the ones we love and following our dreams. Salsa Wallito is one of of those dreams!

Maylene K.